
Last year’s Supreme Court ruling outlawing this practice points to the underlying debate: how to protect two per se positive values —individual merit and racial diversity.
A survey of parents in five American states that claim to be “family-friendly” shows a high level of consensus of which policies should be prioritized.
Some schools are adopting uniforms as part of an experiment to test whether they promote cohesion among students from different social backgrounds and free them from the weight of “dressing to impress.”
“Wellness apps” for improving users’ sleep quality or nutrition can cause backfire effects, as they lack actual human contact and can spark fixations on data.
Two trends on social media advocate for the return of women to the home. However, the roadmaps they offer to get there are steeped in fallacy, and don’t represent real family life.
With euthanasia rates on the rise, suspicions about whether it is granted too easily and without offering real alternatives, emerge.
New technologies and platforms have changed the way music is created and how it reaches the public. Going viral is easier, but sometimes at the price of less creativity.
Self-diagnosis of the disorder based on non-scientific criteria disseminated “online” and the lack of knowledge of the disorder can obscure its proper diagnosis and treatment.
The success of reality TV is not only because it exploits viewers’ “lower passions.” It can also serve as an “x-ray” of a society, and as an impetus for viewers to reflect on their own lives.
The incorporation of new countries has given the BRICS greater political influence, but the economic sluggishness of some countries and internal divisions reduces their ability to compete with the G7.
Under this mantra, thousands of young people on TikTok express their aspiration to work to live, and not the other way around. A reasonable desire in itself, although there are certainly some “buts” when digging further.
Francis insists that environmental problems require an ethical response, not simply a technological one.
The IV Women and Leadership in Health Forum asserted the personal and social value of nursing care services, and the role of women in them.
Despite being conditioned, human beings are free, and believing this is the way to achieve a full life.
Feeling like a victim is trending. In part, due to a purely social contagion, but also because this attitude allows us to wash our hands of any personal and social responsibilities.
The exodus of African physicians to wealthier countries, motivated by administrative and resource-related reasons, has left a void NGOs and religious institutions try to fill as best they can.
While some see the approval as a violation of the separation of Church and State, others maintain that denying a religious organization the same possibilities offered to others is discriminatory.
For the first time, a candidate from outside the political or business establishment, and with rapport among young people, has made it to the second round of the presidential elections.
Uterine transplants to be able to have children spark a debate about just how far the fertility industry should be able to go.

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