
A study reveals that the emotional well-being and mental health of people is largely related to when they got their first cell phone.
Georg Weber, the curator behind the wildly popular “Vermeer” exhibit at the Rijksmuseum, explains the clues that point to the Delft artist’s conversion to Catholicism.
According to several economists, the upcoming elections could be an opportunity to address chronic problems in the national economy.
The Regional Museum of Anthropology of Mérida (Yucatán) has valuable pieces of the Mayan civilization on exhibit, found thanks to recent archaeological excavations.
With the sitting president’s narrow margin of electoral victory in the first round, the second has become a referendum on Erdogan, after 20 years in power.
Getting involved in volunteer work with your children can help them step outside of themselves and be open up to the world around them.
The Korean music industry, which has brought the Asian country to the epicenter of culture, hinges on colorful dances and melodies, close relationships with fans... and abusive contracts.
How the retirement of the “baby boom” generation will change the economy and public budgets.
It’s increasingly clear that it’s necessary to improve care in the months following childbirth, to prevent and treat mental disorders, as well as physical complications.
Following the rejection of the new Constitution, Boric has been forced to pay attention to two problems that he previously disregarded: public order and economic stability.
Florence J. Achieng Oloo, Harambee 2023 Prize recipient, spearheads a program to promote women that’s already showing results in a rural area of the African country.
A night of missed marks and lots of confusion.
Putin’s ideological approach has led him to continue fighting in Ukraine, in a war of attrition, convinced that time will play in his favor.
The technical and aesthetic originality of the great architect, as well as significant details pertaining to his work method, stand out in an exhibition in Madrid.
In addition to the growing violence between Israel and Palestine, the new government must now deal with protests over its controversial judicial reform.
Having made significant progress in enrollment numbers, developing countries now face a harder task: increasing the quality of education.
Several museums in the West aim to make up for injustices of the past through returning cultural heritage, although the criteria for doing so remains muddled.
As long as the population keeps getting older, delaying retirement and lower pensions are inevitable.
From her own experience as a victim of sex trafficking, a young Canadian, now an expert in mental health, illustrates the enormous suffering that porn hides: “I am a survivor.”

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