
The Maltese representative, who as a member of the European Parliament voted against abortion, will now support it as President of the EP because it is the majority position of the chamber.
In the Age of expensive housing, shared residences are gaining traction among many people who would otherwise be living alone.
Attacks and other hostile actions against Indian Christians have increased in 2021, in the face of passivity and institutional complicity towards Hindu extremists.
Mexico’s Supreme Court seems to have opened the door for age to be interpreted as an individual preference, independent of biology.
Christians in the Holy Land celebrate Christmas for the second year in a row with almost no tourists and pilgrims, but with more festivities than ever before.
The Mexican film industry is producing thought-provoking and quality films about the country’s social realities, while enjoying a new boost from online platforms.
A white paper on responsible influence proposes an ethical framework for a healthy digital ecosystem.
New apps make up for limitations related to mobility impairment and difficulties in communicating.
Parents of minors diagnosed with gender dysphoria are often subjected to pressures to blindly affirm their children in their gender identity.
The Glasgow conference aims to lay out specific measures such as putting an end to the use of coal and reducing methane emissions.
The urban planning of the future pushes for houses with more space for flex rooms and streets with fewer cars.
According to some studies, all-girls schools help reduce the math gender gap.
Increasingly dependent on China for financing, many low- and middle-income countries succumb to its political influence.
The second plenary assembly has once again revealed deep-seated disagreements among the bishops.
Can social networks control content and prevent the social ills they cause? Some recent studies suggest that with the current business model, they can’t.
Former Democratic Congressman Dan Lipinski, a Catholic, addresses political polarization in Washington and his party’s attacks against him for his defense of life.
Backed by faulty reasoning which sparked controversy, justices rule it is unconstitutional to prohibit or restrict abortion.
A report shows the success of a local policy aimed at improving socioeconomic segregation in classrooms: “relocate” students, but without quashing parents’ rights.
The effects of the epidemic on the economy and employment have prompted many young Europeans to reconsider their plans of moving out of their parents’ homes.

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