
The new Israeli government engages in intense diplomatic activity to improve relations with its Arab neighbors and contain Iran.
Pinterest bans all advertising that encourages weight loss due to the recent uptick in eating disorders, becoming the first social network to do so.
Unfounded claims about the coronavirus have come largely from China, which also hides information.
France prohibits its use in schools, Belgium officially recommends it, some defend it as an instrument against sexism, most consider it strained and forced.
Using the same technology as cryptocurrencies, “non-fungible tokens” allow for originals in the world of digital art, and their sale.
The reform of the assisted suicide law follows the trend this type of regulation tends to bring with it: once passed, it ends up expanding access to more and more cases. 
Multiple countries have increased child benefits to offset the consequences of the pandemic on household economies.
Several authors propose curiosity and open-mindedness as antidotes to the sluggishness brought on by the pandemic.
Shrinking birth rates could slow down China’s economic growth if its laws to control population growth don’t change.
Surges in costs and supply chain disruptions are pushing large European brands to bring back previously outsourced production from Asia, where thousands of jobs are being lost.
Within cyberspace regulation, there is a growing tendency to claim “national sovereignty” over what was initially conceived as a global and non-governmental network.
The Conference is open to the participation of all citizens, so that they can offer their opinion and make proposals concerning the direction the EU should take.
Asking for an immunity certificate to prove COVID-19 status in order to travel or carry out other activities may be warranted in exceptional circumstances, but it carries with it the risk of discrimination.
According to a recent study, many of the most downloaded apps among schoolchildren are offering a non-creative, isolating and distracting type of instruction.
Philippine people’s deep-rooted Catholicism now faces strong secularist trends.
In six decades as an independent nation, this country has been ill ruled, and has suffered from violence and division, but it has a dynamic people and exports talent overseas.

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