
The Vasily Kandinsky New York exhibition, “Around the Circle”, allows us to once again discover the teachings his paintings hold.
The European Commission has proposed new legislation to help stop the sexual exploitation of children online.
Therapists and couples share their experience in marriage coaching.
The UN conference in Abidjan was similar to previous editions: increasingly finer diagnoses and few practical actions.
A public initiative has managed to bring together the country’s different political parties and social groups in support of the family unit.
Post-pandemic, the most important fashion event of the year is in prime health.
Is the global public square now in the hands of the richest man in the world, or perhaps the acquisition is not as big of a deal as we’re being led to believe?
The overabundance of self-help material, with self-centered messages, doesn’t seem to make people happier. But there are other possible to get there.
Many countries’ birth rates have continued their decline, but in Scandinavian countries, they’ve risen and surpassed pre-covid levels.
Republicans make the same mistake they once blamed Democrats of committing: prejudging a candidate based on her convictions.
Dr. Dermot Kearney has received authorization to apply a pregnancy rescue treatment in women who, after taking an initial abortion drug, regret their decision.
The poor responses to the pandemic, infiltration of woke culture into classrooms, and educational gridlock are prompting many parents to react.
A Colombian family who managed to leave Moscow before flights to Europe were cancelled describes the atmosphere they left behind.
Associations, Churches and individuals in Italy deal with the legal entry, reception and integration of refugees.
In recent years, initiatives on both sides of the Atlantic have emerged to relaunch humanistic education.
Protests against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and the government’s failure to seek avenues of de-escalation have caused an unheard-of division in Canadian society.
Anti-discrimination or hate speech laws continue to butt heads with the freedoms of those who disagree with the legislated options.
A group of experts proposes measures to curb misinformation, including fines and more media education, to the French government.
The decision not to have children is increasingly defended not only as a mere personal choice, but as an ethical imperative to be mimicked.

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